Champ Camp!

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Skateboarding & Perseverance

That’s a wrap on week two! On Thursday we were joined by Coach Dylan, who was happy to spread the stoke with our younger group. Everyone did a great job of arriving on time, fully padded up and ready to roll. As you can probably tell, the hour we are together goes really fast; the better we are prepared for the lesson, the smoother things will go.

This week our Trick Tip focused on the correct way to fall. As we reviewed during the lesson, skateboarding and falling go hand-in-hand. Falling indicates that we made a mistake on our boards. It is important to remember that it is OK to fall because this is how we learn from our mistakes. Every skateboarder, no matter how long they have skated, has fallen many times. The most important thing about falling is to pick yourself up and try again. Skateboarding does an amazing job of teaching us perseverance. What I mean by this is that when we are learning a new trick on our skateboards, it may take us tens, hundreds, or even thousands of attempts. When you finally land that trick, however, it is the best feeling in the world.

We learned that it is best to ‘roll out’ when we fall off our boards. We want to be careful not to catch ourselves with our hands, because this can lead to wrist injuries. We try our best to absorb the impact with our knees, hips, and shoulders and use the momentum we have to roll out to safety. As we noted during the lesson, learning the correct way to fall will feel awkward at first. The more we skate, and inevitably fall, the more natural it will feel.

In closing, remember to wear your Champ Camp Skate Camp shirts each week. We want you all to be shredding in style, so wear your shirts proudly!

-Coach Elliott