Champ Camp!

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Thank You

Late in the summer of 2011, on a drive down Interstate 15, the concept of Champ Camp Was manifested into existence. While the details were quite cloudy at the time, we knew one thing for certain… Champ Camp would be a place where all types of kids could come to feel special, cared for, and included. As we creep towards 2019, that drive down the highway from over seven years ago is more vivid now than ever, and it’s all thanks to YOU.  

Without the support of friends and family, Champ Camp would’ve been D.O.A. here’s a fun fact— LEADING UP TO OUR first summer, a handful of generous friends and neighbors gathered for a photoshoot on the beach to snap shots of games for a camp that didn’t exist yet (Fake It Till Ya Make It, Anyone?)! What’s more, the inner circle of the Champ Camp Family allowed us to store bulky equipment in their office and guest room for the first Few summers until we could afford a storage space of our own (and Oftentimes even after that.). While there are too many examples of their kindness and support to note here, We’re thankful for our friends and family because without them we wouldn’t have even made it tO the first summer!

Beyond our family and friends, it’s hard to describe how grateful we are for our crew. Anyone who’s ever started a service oriented Business quickly learns the most important lesson out there — Your people are everything. Particularly in an industry that serves kids, how your people show up everyday matters, Bigtime. We could spend the whole school year programming the world’s most epic activities, but if our counselors lacked compassion and came to the beach grumpy everyday, frankly, Champ Camp would suck. The fact that we recently wrapped up our busiest summer yet and are already planning for an even bigger 2019 is a testament to the quality of our people. From our directors to our counselors, Champ camp has been PrivIleged in having Some of the most kind, caring, and competenT individuals around grace our beaches with their Presence. We couldn’t be more thankful for our people— they make our world go ‘ROUND!

Last and definitely not least, we are thankful for all the families who have given Champ Camp a shot. To the parents, we recognize that, in signing your little one up for camp, you are in essence leaving us with The thing you care about most in the universe. We don’t take this responsibility lightly, and are thankful for your continued trust in what we’ve got goin on. And Finally to the kids, y’all are what it’s all about. Thank you for the crazy stories, the Long jokes that don’t quite make sense, and the countless memories that none of us will ever forget.

Whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving, it’s a Useful opportunity to take inventory of the people in your life who matter most, because without them, what really even matters?

In gratitude,
